Finch Sale Collection

Model with their hand inside gray overcoat pocket while looking down.
Model showing off the back of Kirrin Finch Gray Wool Overcoat and accent sleeve buttons

Gray Overcoat

Regular price $ 320 $ 175
Androgynous pebble blazer granite
Granite Pebble blazer with black lining

Granite Pebble Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 265
Granite Pebble Dress pants 3 season
Androgynous dress pants for women, masc presenting, and non-binary folk

Granite Pebble Dress Pants

Regular price $ 195 $ 175

Light Gray Linen Pants

Regular price $ 175 $ 110

Navy Blue Linen Pants

Regular price $ 175 $ 110
Androgynous charcoal tweed vest for women and non-binary folk paired with classic white dress shirt

Charcoal Tweed Vest

$ 140
Androgynous Black Velvet Blazer with Charcoal Merino Sweater
Androgynous Black Velvet Blazer pairs with black skinny tie

Black Velvet Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 245
Androgynous model in sand linen blazer
Oat linen blazer and dress pants

Oat Linen Blazer

$ 275
Androgynous Oat Linen Dress Pants for women, trans, masc, and non-binary folk
Oat linen dress pants with flexi-waist

Oat Linen Dress Pants

$ 175
Deep moss linen dress pants for women, trans, masc, and non-binary folk
Deep moss linen pants by Kirrin Finch

Deep Moss Linen Dress Pants

$ 175
Androgynous navy pebble dress pants
Androgynous navy pebble dress pants

Navy Pebble Dress Pants

Regular price $ 195 $ 175
Rainbows dots navy stardust blazer for women, trans, and non-binary folk
Playful Stardust blazer

Navy Stardust Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 265
Androgynous navy pebble blazer
Italian made androgynous navy pebble blazer

Navy Pebble Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 265
Deep Moss Linen Suit Blazer for women, trans, masc, and non-binary folk
Women’s linen suit blazer summer wedding

Deep Moss Linen Blazer

$ 275
Indigo windowpane blazer by kirrin finch
Women's indigo windowpane blazer

Brushed Indigo Windowpane Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 265
green and blue paid wool dress pants
Menswear Inspired Blackwatch Plaid Dress Pants for women, AFAB, non-binary and masc presenting folks

Blackwatch Dress Pants

Regular price $ 195 $ 175
Italian suiting for non-binary people
Women's blue and green plaid blazer made by Kirrin Finch.

Blackwatch Blazer

Regular price $ 295 $ 265
Women's white linen dress pants made by Kirrin Finch.
White linen dress pants made for women, trans, masc, and non-binary folk.
White Sand Linen blazer made for women, trans, masc, and non-binary folk.
Model wearing White Sand Linen blazer with blue linen shirt.

White Sand Linen Blazer

$ 275
Shirt Pocket
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We Care About How Your Clothes Fit

Our clothing runs from size 0 to 24 or 3XL (with many collections running to 28 and 5XL!), so you don’t have to sacrifice style for fit.

Our story

To Make You Feel Authentic

We want to challenge the conventions of how women are expected to dress by giving them the confidence to be their true selves.

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